We ensure that farming households are aware of and can access biofortified crops planting materials, understand its nutritional and agronomic benefits, know how to grow them and receive technical assistance.
Farming households consume their biofortified crops and receive the nutrition and health benefits. Most families want to sell some of their harvest to support their livelihoods and so we directly link them to processors like Esomchi Foods and others. This guarantees sustainable income for smallholder farming families.
We facilitate tailored trainings for farmers, processors and other value chain actors on processing and utilization of the nutrient-enriched crops into innovative food products. This also includes training on food-food fortification, an emerging food-based strategy that can complement current efforts in the ongoing fight against micronutrient deficiencies. We combine biofortified crops with one another including other nutritious crops to increase the nutrient density in diets. These locally designed recipes are easily scalable and simple to adopt especially women and youths to enhance their nutrition, livelihood and income.