Recently, we had the honor of joining the SDG Alliance webinar on Sustainable Initiatives to Eliminate Malnutrition as a panelist. This was hosted by the European Technology Chamber (EUTECH) @eutechchamber
On the occasion of this year’s International Women’s Day, we join the rest of the world to celebrate our amazing women. Starting from our own CEO, Mrs Okoli Maryann Ogechukwu,
An amazing masterpiece! The first National Biofortification Recipe Book titled “Biofortified Crops On My Plate” is ready The official book launch was held on Tuesday, 14th February, 2023 at Signature
Esomchi Foundation joined the Sun Business Network in Nigeria @sbnnigeria for its Inaugural Members Convening #SBNmembers in Ikeja, Lagos State, Nigeria. The event which was held on the 7th of
We were able to reach more households in rural poor communities with nutritious foods through strategic partnerships with critical stakeholders both in the public and private sector. We participated in
The Federal Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (FMARD) @fmardng partners with Esomchi Foundation to train master bakers and caterers in Delta State on OFSP bread making. The one-day capacity
We are particularly intrigued by the level of engagement from the Deputy Governor of Imo State, Prof Placid Njoku and other government officials IMO State GovernmentGreater Imo Media in our
Our sister organization, Esomchi Foods is glad to be part of the nutritious food businesses invited to exhibit at the 8th edition of the Nutritious Food Alliance starting tomorrow 18th